• If you are thinking of giving up your day job and writing the great world novel…
• If you have a great idea for a book and want us to write it for a share of the proceeds…
• If you think you can mix literary genres and produce a book that will sell anyway…
• If you think you can slap together a book and get it published…
• If you think that reading is not an important prerequisite to writing…
• If you think writing a book is easy…
Wouldn’t you know it the creator of the video is an aspiring novelist himself? David Kazzie wrote this about his creation on his blog:
“When I’m not writing, or more accurately, when I’m looking for ways to avoid writing, I spend a lot of time reading about the industry, about agents, about the publishing process, other writers’ blogs, and so on. It’s amazing how many people are either writing novels or want to write novels, and out on the Internet, there are as many different views on writing as there are people. The vast majority of writers I come across are friendly, supportive of one another, understand the process, acknowledge how hard it is, and yet, they wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.”
Moral of the blog: If you are going to do so foolish a thing as to write a novel, at least know why it is foolish.